KitForStartups offers various ways to authenticate users. One of the most popular ways is to use GitHub OAuth. This guide will show you how to setup GitHub OAuth with KitForStartups.

Create a GitHub OAuth App

First, you need to create a GitHub OAuth App.

  • Go to GitHub Apps Settings and click on the “New GitHub App” button
  • Give your app a name and description
  • Set the “Homepage URL” to your website / application homepage
  • Add the following “Callback URL”: http://localhost:5173/api/oauth/github/callback (this is for local development)
    • When your application is deployed, you will need to add the a new callback URL for your production environment (eg:
  • Uncheck the “Active” checkbox under “Webhook”
  • Go to the “Permissions and events” tab, and under “Permissions > Account permissions”, set the “Email addresses” permission to “Read-only”
  • Save your changes
  • Click on the “Generate a new client secret” button to generate a new client secret
  • Copy the “Client ID” and newly generated “Client Secret” and save them in the .env file of your application (respectively as GITHUB_CLIENT_ID and GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET)

And that’s it! You can now use GitHub to sign in to your application.